Sunday, December 30, 2012

Alaina and Larry

I mentioned Alaina in an earlier post. I gave a brief description of her that, after I read it again, I realized  it was not enough. Here is a more in depth description of Alaina.

As you know, Alaina was a 17 year old girl who obviously cheated on her boyfriend. What you don't know is that Alaina was a man eater. She used boys. For the most part she was a good person but she knew a pretty face and pretty huge jugs would get you everywhere. She craved and demanded attention. She flirted with anything and anyone who gave her said attention. Sometimes it was all in fun and then other times she crushed them.

Alaina closed the store a lot and because she didn't have a car or drivers license, she depended upon others. A lot of us were nice enough to give her a ride without needing any sort of compensation; but because the only compensation she really knew how to give put the attention on her, she was more than willing to offer.

I knew that Alaina wanted attention when I gave her a ride home once. She talked the entire 7 minute ride from the store to her house. She somehow got on the subject of loving David so much.

Alaina: He's so great to me. He really doesn't make me miss my ex-girlfriend at all. YES I SAID GIRL-friend. I've had a LESBIAN relationship that got pretty hot and heavy and even though I loved HER, he makes me happy.

She made it a point to put emphasis on the fact that she, at some point in her life, was all about the VA-J! Now me being straight, I just continued driving and ignoring her. I still find it odd to this day that she mentioned it, still don't know why. I can only assume that she either a.) thought my lack of femininity was code for being a lesbian or b.) that her NOT being strictly dickly was at all of any interest to me...or anyone...ever.

When she didn't get a ride from me, she got a ride from Larry. Larry was a sweetheart, a bit of a geek but a genuinely nice guy. The only strange part about him was that Larry had a thing for young girls. Not in a weird, creepy way but it just seemed to be a pattern that every girl he dated from the time that I met him was either under the age of 18 (he was in his early 20's) or just substantially younger than him.

Larry and Alaina swore up and down that they were "just friends" and Larry, being the nice guy that he is, didn't want to leave her stranded. Larry started going out of his way to do things for Alaina that I never could put together, but because of the J.B. situation, she was much smarter about the way she went about things with Larry.

After being around Alaina, Larry seemed to be doing things that were a bit out of character for him. For example, they took a dance class together. Larry is painfully white. He is the kind of Comic-Con, Anime white that you only see in either large groups or completely isolated. Those two taking a dance class together must've been quite the sight.

Like I said, there was no proof their "parts were fitting together," just assumptions. Everyone thought it therefore everyone believed it.

The only time that I can confidently say that they were either making the beast with two backs or at least giving each other Handy-J's was one night after closing. Alaina and Larry left the store at around 9:30pm, I stayed until 10pm because my then boyfriend didn't get off until that time and I was giving him a ride home. My then boyfriend and I left the store at 10:05pm and walked to my car. We saw Larry's car still in the parking lot and it was running but the windows were foggy.

I found this odd because both Larry and Alaina had gotten off over a half an hour ago, but I guess I was wrong, neither of them had gotten off... yet. I got in my car and started to drive over to Larry's car just to make sure everything was okay, all of a sudden Larry zooms out of the parking lot before I got close enough to scar myself for life.

Just for that I should send that kid a fruit basket.

Favorite Guests Pt 2

The guests I mention in this post were one time guests at the hotel but made such an impression on me that they will forever be memorable.


If there is one thing that hotel employees HATE is when guests sit in the lobby. It makes things awkward and we just don't want you around. You're annoying, you refuse to shut up and you make shit even more awkward then it needs to be. We are not offended if you don't speak to us, we'd prefer if you didn't. Go about your business and go to your room.

Joshwa was a guest who was sitting in the lobby waiting for his load of laundry to finish. He sat quietly on the couch and read the newspaper. I was happy, and then the silence apparently got to him.

Joshwa: Do you like your job?
Working Girl: I like that I get paid to do my homework.
Joshwa: That is actually pretty awesome.

*sigh* I give in

Working Girl: Do you like yours?
Joshwa: I do. I like the fact that I get to travel but being away from my wife is pretty shitty.
Working Girl: What do you do?
Joshwa: I work for the CIA.
Working Girl: Yeah OOOOKAAAY!
Joshwa: I know it sounds like I made it up but I actually do work for the CIA. I'm here for 2 weeks on business.
Working Girl: Well what do you do "at the CIA"?

Then he goes on and explains the very real sounding and complicated tasks that he has working for the CIA. He doesn't go into too much detail but just general job specifics.

Working Girl: Wow! That sounded way too real to be made up.

From that point on he and I talked for the rest of my shift, which lasted for another three hours. He was a really interesting guy but on top of that he was HILARIOUS! He went on to tell me about his siblings, and the fact that his wife looks like Carrie Underwood. The funniest story was about how for the entirety of his childhood his grandmother would send him a Christmas card every year with a personal check for $12 made out to Joshwa. She never spelled his name right. She didn't even attempt. She did the same thing to his brother who was a junior of HER OWN SON.

Every story he told me made me more interested in him. I think I developed a little crush on Joshwa during that short time. Finally the 2 week mark came and he was down at the front desk upset that he was leaving because he really did enjoy talking to me. It's unfortunate that I only worked 2 days a week at the time so we only spoke for 4 days but each of those days was greatly memorable.

Byron D & Roommate

This starts off the same way. I'm minding my own damn business and some awkward ass guests feel the need to talk to me.

Byron D: Hey
Working Girl: Hello.
Byron D: How are you this evening?
Working Girl: Miserable.
Roommate: Why?
Working Girl: I'm at work.
Byron D: She makes a good point.
Roommate: We're at work.
Working Girl: Talking to me is work?
Roommate: Not yet. But we are here on business.
Byron D: I've never seen you before. I've met all the girls here--the white girl, the Asian chick, the nice black lady, the girl who checked us in. Why have I not seen you?
Working Girl: I only work 2 days a week.
Roommate: HEYYYY! Get it girl. Get it, get it, girl.

I laughed. They drew me in by being hilarious. My kryptonite will always be that if you make me laugh, you've got my attention.

Byron D and Roommate were staying for over a month. They were staying in the large handicapped suite on the first floor so they were constantly talking to me. There was nothing that spectacular about their stories, just some funny quotes and frat boy antics.

Roommate (during the 3rd week): I'm married and what not but I really need to smash, like I'm hungry.
Working Girl (being a smart ass): Well if you're hungry you should walk down the street to Nation's. They've got great pies.
Roommate (being more of a smart ass): Do they have pussy pie because that's all I'm interested in.

Byron D (2nd to last time I saw him): Well the white chick is cute, a little icy. The Asian chick isn't really my thing. The black lady is a sweet heart but I'm afraid she's too experienced for me. She'd have me balled up in the corner. I don't know the other night audit chick you talked about. So that leaves me with you and Tani.
Working Girl: Ugh! Don't lump me in with Tani.
Byron D: You don't like Tani? She's alright. Oh but you're definitely number one.

Byron D: Look here's my name and e-mail, look for me on Facebook. We should be friends.
Working Girl: I don't know if my boyfriend would like my new friend.
Byron D: Sharing is caring.

Outside of being hilarious horn dogs they were decorators. Not really, but they decided to play a prank on management. They rearranged everything in the room and stole the plants from the lobby. They asked me to come see their work and they had changed the hotel room to actually look like an apartment. it was hilarious.

I unfortunately never found Byron D or Roommate on Facebook, even though I definitely tried. They were very memorable guests that even through their vulgarity, flirting, and childish behavior they were still some of my favorite guests of all time. 

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Favorite Guests Pt 1

Because I'm in the holiday spirit, happy and what not, I've decided not to bitch on this post. I'm gonna write about some of my favorite guests. My favorite guests consist of the people who genuinely care about the people who are trying to help them. Here they are:

Racine B.

Racine B has been one of my favorite hotel guests since I started working in a hotel over 3 years ago. She would come consistently with a smile on her face and a story to tell. Her being so lovable was always appreciated but the fact that she cared about me, my school and would always bring me a little treat put her well above most of the guests. She recently came in after moving out of state and she still had that same smile and glow. It was really refreshing.

Junk Ladies

The Junk Ladies are by far some of the best people on the planet. Outside of the fact that they are extremely nice, funny and talented they genuinely appreciate my hard work. When I have guests like the Junk Ladies it makes my job so much easier. They visit the hotel monthly for a large antique show in town and it always puts a smile on my face knowing that they are coming to visit. They also have a tendency of bringing friends with them who are just as amazing as they are. 

Another reason why I love them is because of everything they stand for. They take "junk" and create amazing things with it. Everything from coffee tables to necklaces. They are all in all kick ass girls who should be considered role models.

The Williams

Jodi and Steffan Williams are guests who also visited the hotel frequently because of the antique show. Basically they are a happy couple with great kids and great love that they share. They are extraordinary people because that's just who they are. They are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They have unfortunately not visited the hotel in about a year but they will always be some of my very favorite guests.

Michelle Davis

Michelle Davis became one of my favorite guests for one reason and one incident. I worked a lot of nights at the hotel. Due to my strange schedule I would make my best friend drop off food to me. One night he came with 2 other guys, both of them I knew from high school. They were just kind of hanging around for a bit but during that time Michelle Davis came in. She saw them, asked me how I was doing then went to her room. About 3 minutes later I get a phone call from one of the rooms.

Michelle Davis: Hey, I saw those guys in the lobby... are you okay? Do you need me to call the police?

I started laughing hysterically. I told her everything was fine. I appreciated her caring about my safety and well being which made her one of my favorite guests of all time.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


I am all about GAY! The more "GAY" it is, the happier I am. I haven't had too many run-ins with gay people in my personal life outside of work. Here are two of the most interesting stories from working at the hotel where I've dealt with gay people.


Early on in one of my Saturday evening shifts, I checked in a lesbian couple who had requested a romance package. A romance package includes wine, chocolates, and a room with a Jacuzzi tub. They checked in and went to their room. It was the last I saw of them.

Later on in the evening, a few of my male friends came to visit me and bring me dinner. One of them was my friend Petey. Petey never really had much luck with the ladies and was complaining to us about the fact. So my other friends and I decided to be proactive and find Petey a lady. So we got on Craigslist. We searched all the women seeking men ads posted in the last week. None were interesting to Petey (but it didn't help that he was completely against the idea). I decided that if Petey couldn't get a girlfriend, maybe he could have one wild night. So I wandered into women seeking women because maybe a lesbian couple was looking for one night of mediocrity with Petey. The first listing that popped up was titled "JOIN US IN OUR HOTEL SUITE." I clicked it.


Those were my lesbians! Well, not MY lesbians, but those were the lesbians that I had checked in just a few hours ago. I was surprised AND intrigued. My friends begged me to go knock on their hotel room door and ask to join in but my friends are idiots.

I should never be surprised by the freaky people who stay at the hotel but that one made me drop my jaw.


This story isn't funny, that's not why I'm writing about it. I'm writing about it because I thought it was beautiful. These guests brought a tear to my eye.

I live in Northern California in the San Francisco Bay Area. If there is anything that SF is known for, it is the gay population in that city. San Francisco is home to one of the biggest and best Gay Pride Parades in the country. I had a couple staying at the hotel for the occasion.

They were a much older couple, probably in their 60's. One man stood down at the front desk with me for over an hour telling me their story. Their story is too long to tell now and quite frankly I can't remember it all because I was too focused on wiping the tears of joy from my eyes at the time but the gist was this:

They had been partners for 20 years and some change. They loved each other unconditionally. Both of them had some health problems throughout the years but the man speaking to me had the worst half of them. He was basically obese and had all the problems that anyone that big would and could have plus bouts with cancer. His partner stuck with him through everything. They adopted a family and made a home together. They came to the pride parade with their adopted son who, they figured, was gay but didn't know how to say it. Due to the fact that they both went through the same feelings that they assumed he was having, they brought him to San Francisco. They wanted to show him that not only was it okay to love another person of the same sex, but people all around the world celebrate that love. There are people who are proud to be who they are and love who they want to love. They told me his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas when he saw the parade.

The entire story warmed my heart because I don't think that it's okay for people to be ashamed of who they are and who they love. I believe that everyone should have the same rights. I am so happy that their story was shared with me which is why I will continue to remember it and share it with others.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Mr. Budweiser

Mr. Budweiser became the store manager of the office supply store about 6 months into me working there. He was an asshole. He made it a point to have a sit down meeting with all of the current employees so that he could "get to know them." The meeting he had with me was one of the last meetings of all the staff and we didn't see eye to eye from initial contact. He didn't like my devotion to the old store manager and my devotion to the copy center nor did he like my lack of devotion to the rest of store.

We never liked each other. We never got along. This was made aware from our many run ins.


One morning before the store opened I was talking to a few of the managers outside of the store about Mr. Budweiser. The general consensus was that no one liked him. The new people he hired were also there outside of the store but they were not being spoken to or even acknowledged.

When Mr. Budweiser found out about the conversation, I was pulled into his office.

Mr. Budweiser: I am aware of the things you said about me and I find them unprofessional and rude.
Working Girl: You mean the conversation I had with 2 other managers not during work hours where I called you an asshole?
Mr. Budweiser: You shouldn't speak that way in front of new hires and customers
Working Girl: Apparently you weren't made aware of the situation then. We were outside the store, before it opened, no customers around and no one was even speaking to the new hires. Also, I'm an adult, if I want to curse amongst other adults; I'm going to curse amongst other adults. Are we done here?
Mr. Budweiser: Yes.

Giving it Away for Free

One day during a shift I had a headache; I had stomach pains and was all around having a bad day. Then the manager of another store in the mall came in to pick up his copies. I went to ring him up and apparently didn't charge him enough. This was not my fault. Our scanning gun had been dying for the last few weeks and though I pointed at color copies, it scanned black and white copies which are cheaper than color. I rang him up anyway, not noticing.

The store manager from the other store called Mr. Budweiser and let him know about the mistake. I was again pulled into the office.

Mr. Budweiser: I was basically told that you're giving away free copies by charging less than their actual price.
Working Girl: Well I'm sorry I didn't notice the price difference; it was an honest mistake that started with our dying scanner gun.
Mr. Budweiser: This puts me in a position where I have to watch you to make sure you're not stealing
Working Girl: How is that stealing when it doesn't benefit me?
Mr. Budweiser: I find it hard to believe that it was just a mistake. So I'm going to need a written statement from you explaining what happened and an apology.



Pretty much every company has an HR department so I won't go into explaining who they are or what they do. I met with them in Mr. Budweiser's office.

HR Bitch: It was made aware to us by the store manager that the computer in the copy station was accessed for things other than store related websites; more specifically the Cal State website. [Cal State was my college]
Working Girl: Uh-Huh...
HR Bitch: You know that is forbidden and the computer should only be used for store related things.
Working Girl: That I do know.
HR Bitch: Then why would you access that site?
Working Girl: I didn't.
HR Bitch: What?
Working Girl: There are 3 people who work at the copy station who just so happen to go to college with me. I didn't access my school's website.
HR Bitch: We have a list of classes that were searched. Spanish and Nursing classes to be specific.
Working Girl: Well since I'm a Journalism major I have no need for Spanish or Nursing classes. Nor have I ever taken a Nursing or Spanish class in college.
HR Bitch: So those aren't your classes?
Working Girl: No, but I can go get the Nursing major who works with me for you.
HR Bitch: That's not necessary.
Working Girl: Then I guess we're done here.

Father's Day Fiasco

This was my last encounter with Mr. Budweiser. I had already decided to switch stores to go work with my old store manager, something that I had the pleasure of letting him know during this last meeting.

I was called into the office once again because I didn't go to the store meeting that was held at 8pm on Father's Day. I had told every store manager weeks before how excited I was for my uncles, who lived out of state, to come back for a father's day dinner. After I told the managers, Mr. Budweiser decided to hold a meeting on Father's Day evening.

Mr. Budweiser: You didn't show up to the meeting.
Working Girl: No I didn't.
Mr. Budweiser: You also didn't tell me.
Working Girl: Due to the fact that you have cut my hours down from 40 to 10 per week, I do not see you. I left a note under your office door and I let the 4 other managers know that I would not make the meeting.
Mr. Budweiser: They aren't managers. They are supervisors.
Working Girl: So Chen, the Operation's Manager, isn't a manager?
Mr. Budweiser: I am the store manager. I've gotten to a point of where I don't know how I can discipline you for this.
Working Girl: You don't have to worry about that, I'm switching stores. It's already been approved by the store manager. He is waiting for you to sign the papers. Give him a call and he'll fax them over.
Mr. Budweiser: I doubt that but I will call him.

He called him. He was embarrassed because I was right.

That was last time I spoke to Mr. Budweiser. He still, to this day hates to see me in the store because it reminds him of the fact that he never got to fire me. I now make more money at my job than he does AND I found out yesterday that as of December 30th 2012, he will no longer be the store manager...nor will he be working there.

Karma is a bitch...and so is Mr. Budweiser.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Holiday Pay

Let me tell you this right now: YOU NEVER GET PAID ENOUGH TO WORK ON HOLIDAYS! Even the day after a holiday is still shitty. I have worked On Christmas, New Years, Thanksgiving, MLK Day, Groundhog Day, Independence Day... Any holiday you can think of, my ass has been at work.

There are some people that you deal with on on holidays that are simply joyful people who possess all the characteristics that the stereotypical Santa Claus would possess (jolly, too boring to tell an interesting story about and adorably obese) but then you have the others....

Black Friday

If you work in retail, QUIT BEFORE BLACK FRIDAY! It is the worst day of the year. When I worked at the office supply company on Black Friday I had to be escorted into the building because of the MOB of people standing outside, banging on the doors AND I had the flu.

Because I worked at the copy center, I didn't have a customer until 12pm. Having my first customer at 12pm would've been fine if it wasn't for the fact that I had been there since 5am, the person who was to relieve me skipped out to Lake Tahoe and the first 7 hours of my shift consisted of me throwing up in the garbage can.

The plus side was I got to watch people run in and out of the store to bypass the "1 per customer" rule. Customers were going in and out to get 6 of the same camera that was running a whole $20 less than the retail price. I got to enjoy adults pushing and shoving each other like school children. The best part was that I got to watch my coworkers have complete meltdowns from the ridiculous amount of people going through their lines.

My first customer  had a picture laminated then walked out when he didn't like the glare of the lamination on the picture.  It was quite the difficult day for me.

Apocalypse on Independence Day

This year on July 4th, the hotel was full. Then randomly, very early in the morning at around 2am, the TVs went out. Every TV in the hotel went down. Apparently a part broke on the main cable box that connects all of the TVs in the hotel.

GUESTS. WENT. APE SHIT! I've never dealt with so many angry guests in my life. They wanted refunds, they wanted to leave, and because they knew the TVs going out was an inconvenience AT BEST, they complained about everything else.

Douche: The TVs aren't working. This hotel is ridiculous. [Hangs up in my face]

A little later...

Monster Douche: The TVs aren't working. I should get the night for free.
Working Girl: I apologize for this minor inconvenience. The TVs will be up and running tonight when the technician comes in with the new part.
Monster Douche: the person who checked me in had a nose piercing and that is so unprofessional.

Later, when I'm informing the expected arrivals about the TVs...

Working Girl: Hi Ma'am, I'm just calling to tell you that we are having an issue with our TVs, they are currently down but they will be fixed tonight at around 11pm. So when you check in the TV may not be working yet.
Working Girl: Check in time is at 3pm. The TVs being down has nothing to do with you checking in. You can check in whenever you'd like
Stupid: Oh....


Moral: Holidays don't bring out the best in people. They become dumb savages who would rather sleep on the street than a.) Miss a discount or b.) Not watch TV.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Everybody Does It

Working in a hotel has made me realize that everyone has sex... all the time... with anyone... as long as the parts fit. I work in a very nice, expensive hotel and apparently people like to show their naughty parts to strangers in very nice, expensive hotel rooms.

I have a few favorite stories of adulterers and sexual exhibitionists that I'm gonna fill you in on.

Phone Sex

When I worked the front desk I had a guest that stayed at the hotel very often on business. He had not a care in the world because his company paid for the room and his food. Every night after he checked in he would go across the street to the Mexican restaurant and get plastered. He would stumble into his 1st floor room and use the phone.

This was a routine. But one night, things were a little out of the ordinary. After stumbling to his room, he couldn't dial out; he came to the front desk after all of his troubles.

Phone Sex (slurring his speech): I...I...I... can't get da phone to wurk. Can I youse this one?

He was pointing at the front desk phone.

Working Girl: I really am not supposed to let guests use the phone but I guess I can help you out.

Phone Sex: Oh my god. Thank..Thank.. Thank You. My wife worriez, ya know.

I dial the phone for him.

Phone Sex (speaking into the receiver): Hey Baby. I... I... I... miss you. So um, what are you wearin'?

At this point, he continues to have phone sex with whoever was on the other end. The entire time that he was having phone sex (which lasted for about 5 minutes) I was standing no more than 4 feet away from him. I didn't know what to do. Should I have answered when he asked "Who's your daddy?" Should I have hung up the phone when he said "Oh Baby, you know what I like..." Should I have walked away when he exclaimed "You have no idea what I want to do to you..." A part of me was disgusted and the other part of me wanted to hear where this mediocre phone sex was going.

He finished up, thanked me and stumbled back to his room.


This is one of my more disgusting stories, but it's a short one.

I had a guest who wanted his dry cleaning delivered to his room. After the dry cleaning was delivered to the front desk, I went upstairs to deliver the dry cleaning to his room. When I got up to his floor I witnessed a pretty well toned man standing outside of his room on his cell phone wearing nothing but boxers.  The door to his room was wide open because he couldn't carry a key, hold his phone and stand in the hallway in just boxers.

As he winked and smiled at me I glanced over to his room in which I saw a similar looking man banging the hell out of a skinny little girl. I quickly ran to the guest;s room in which I was to deliver laundry and got back down to the front desk as soon as possible. When I got back down there it dawned on me that they were running a train on this skinny girl. Why else would he be in boxers? Why else would he get a king bed for 3 people? The best part was that he WINKED AT ME! He had no shame in his game.

A few hours later he came down and checked out with me. Very nice about it. He knew that I knew what went down in that room and yet it didn't faze him. He didn't sneak out the back like many of our guests, he didn't avoid eye contact with me, he did the same thing when he checked out as he did when I got up to his floor. He winked at me, smiled, and continued going about his business.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

J.B. and Alaina

I'm not going to go into who J.B. was as a person anymore, you can make up your own minds about him. I'm not here to persuade, only to tell stories.

The best J.B. story was during his last bit of time working at the office supply store. Halfway through my time there we got a new store manager who immediately hired 5 new people, one of them being Alaina.

Alaina was a high school senior who applied to the store with her boyfriend David. Alaina was very much in your face and very revealing about her life. Her being so open was quite intriguing to J.B.

They kicked off their strange relationship with him picking her up from school on a daily basis even though her shift was always 3 hours after she got out of school. She claimed he was just being nice by picking her up but we all thought it was interesting that he drove across town to pick her up and expected nothing in return.

Unlike J.B. and Kristin, there was no actual proof that they had seen each other's naughty bits, only rumors. The situation exploded one night after the store had closed and everyone was walking to their cars.

David, Alaina's boyfriend, was closing the store with J.B. and two other employees. J.B. had just locked the gates when David turned into a different person.

David: Why did you fuck my girl?
J.B. : What are you talking about, man?
David: Don't act like a bitch and don't act stupid. Why did you fuck my girl?

David then started to approach J.B. because he was looking to fight. J.B. was about 4 inches taller and maybe 30-35 pounds heavier. No one expected David to be a competitor in this fight even though he was furious. Although no one expected David to win, we really didn't expect J.B. to do what he did.

After David approached J.B., J.B. ran to his beloved pickup truck, got in, locked the door, and called the cops!

It was confirmed that J.B. was a pansy ass. After it all died down, everyone went home and the next day it was all we talked about.

J.B. forcefully left the store, and the state, a few weeks later. Kayla, of course, followed. There was no going away party for him once it was revealed that J.B. who was in his 20's was having sex with a high school student under the age of 18.

 Alaina and David's relationship didn't last much longer after that, much like their time working there but there was still more drama to come from Alaina.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Crazy Customers: The Finale

The stories I've told about the crazy customers were the ones that I remembered the most accurately. I've had plenty of crazy customers but none as insane as Nini.


Nini was a guest at the hotel who was living there. She started living at the hotel a month before I started working there and stayed for the next 2 years. Now there are just way too many crazy things that Nini did so I'm just going to explain who Nini was and you can guess her crazy level from mildly strange to bat shit crazy.

Nini was a psychologist. She was a chain smoker. She was a germaphobe. Nini originally was staying in 1 of the 2 smoking rooms in the hotel, she NEVER left her room. This is not an exaggeration. She had all of her food delivered, breakfast, lunch and dinner, from a pizza place down the street. She paid the delivery guy extra to stop and buy her cigarettes and beer. She later branched out and started to order from Subway in which she forced them to deliver it to her as well. She was the only person I had ever seen that had 1 five dollar foot long delivered on a daily basis. 

It took all of the housekeeping staff to clean her room because if it was just one of them, they would've died from second hand smoke. After each task, she would force the housekeeping staff to change gloves. They had to change gloves after entering the room, taking out the trash, making the bed, removing the towels, putting in new towels, and the list goes on.

Nini paid for everything in cash, and the very few times she did leave her room, to come down to the lobby to pay, she would demand brand new clean keys and her receipt put in 2 different envelopes. She had large bottles of hand sanitizer delivered to the hotel every week. She would also hang tissue on the door knob of her room, along with using tissues to open the back door when she would go outside to smoke. Her lack of holding the door and letting it slam behind her actually caused all of the glass to break on Christmas morning 2011.

She was babied by the owner and therefore was completely dependent upon the staff. She would constantly scroll through the channels on the TV to see which ones were showing no signal, once she gathered her list she would call down to the front desk with a list of channels that need to be fixed.

Probably the worst thing about Nini was the fact that she considered the hotel her home. She started becoming a little too comfortable and started walking around the hotel in just her underwear. Not only was this highly inappropriate, Nini was in her early 60's, weighed about 250 pounds and reeked of cigarettes.

She started treating other guests like they were there to serve her. Telling them to do things for her because, basically, this was HER house and she liked things a certain way.

Nini finally had to leave when she realized spending about $200 a day for 2 years was draining her account and therefore she stopped paying completely. Now Nini is terrorizing another hotel and, from what I've been told, is still crazy.

Now you tell me where she ranks on your cray-cray meter.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Crazy Customers pt 2


Even though the people at the office supply store were crazy, the people at the hotel were crazy and they were assholes.

Ass: (on the phone) My heater isn't working.
Working Girl: Oh I am sorry to hear that, you know a lot of our guests have a tendency to turn up the thermostat without turning on the unit. There are two switches right under-

*Hangs Up*

The Ass comes downstairs.

Ass: So is the maintenance guy coming to fix my heater?
Working Girl: Sir, it is 7pm. The Maintenance guy left at 4. I am the only one here. I can try to help you.
Working Girl: Sir, would you like to change rooms? Or possibly use the portable heaters that we have?
Ass: No. A heater will not heat up the room
Working Girl: I've actually had guests bring the heaters back because it got too hot. Would you like to try?
Ass: Well since you don't want to help me, give me 15 blankets.

Side Note: I live in Northern California. The coldest it gets here is about 58 degrees. That night it was about 66.

Working Girl: I will give you 2 blankets. I don't have 15 to give you and even if I did I couldn't. If you wait right here I will go get your blankets. Please just give me 30 seconds.

By the time I come back with his blankets, only 30 seconds later, he is gone. I get a phone call from his room.

Ass: So are you going to bring me my blankets?

Copy Thief

All of the copy machines at the self serve area at the office supply store would print out a job report once the customer finished making copies. We had a customer who would come in about twice a week, be there for hours making copies, fish through the trash for a job report that says "1 copy" and he would bring that job report to the register after putting all of his hundreds of copies in his bag.

We all knew this but every time we would tell him that we knew he made more than one copy (all of his job reports had different times on them) he would respond the same way.


That was ALWAYS his reaction!

Working Girl: Your total is 10 cents.

Working Girl: My register is closed.

Working Girl: This job report says 8:52am. It is 2:45pm.

It became a phrase amongst all the employees whenever he would walk in the store. Over the walkie talkies all you would hear is "WHHHAAAAAAATTT???"

He stopped coming in once we started emptying the trash can every hour.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Crazy Customers pt 1

When I worked at the office supply company I always dealt with the strangest customers that kept me laughing. Here are a few:

Name Your Price

I started working at the office supply company in July. I worked at the copy station so very rarely did I have to come in contact with the floor customers. During my first week working there a woman came to the copy station and put a desk calendar down on the counter.

Woman: How much is this?
Working Girl: (as I checked the price) $24.99
Woman: I will give you $12
Working Girl: (into the walkie talkie) Pat, could I see you over here please?

Pat, the then store manager, came over with a big smile.

Pat: What's up?
Working Girl: Well this woman...
Woman: I want to buy this calendar. Half of the year is already gone so I'll give you half the price.
Pat: Ma'am we don't price the items. We just sell them.
Woman: Well you're not selling this one

Then she walked out of the store

Laminate Guy

The weirdest customer I had was a guy who came in and asked me to laminate his wallet.

Working Girl: You want me to LAMINATE your WALLET? Do you know what laminate means?
Laminate Guy: (with a very heavy accent) Oh yes yes. I like design.
Working Girl: Do you want me to copy the design and then laminate the copy?
Laminate Guy: No. Laminate this.

He hands me his wallet and I kindly explain that it is impossible for me to do so.

Working Girl: Your wallet is too thick. There is no way I can get it through my machine.
Laminate Guy: Oh. Okay.

As soon as I think that this weird exchange is over, I see him walk over to the self service area, take out a pair of scissors and then cuts up his wallet into tiny pieces. He then scoops up the pieces in his hand and brings them to the counter.

Laminate Guy: Not too thick now. Please.

So then with a confused and shocked look on my face, I laminate the pieces of his wallet. He paid for it then went on his merry way.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Tani Gold

I got a second job at a hotel when I was 20 years old. It was completely different from working the copy center of on office supply store. The customers were still the same amount of stupid but my coworkers had gotten much smarter.

My first day of training was with Tani Gold. Upon the initial meeting with her she seemed like a nice person which almost instantly changed. I have plenty of stories about Tani Gold but this story is all about my first day with her.

Tani Gold: Hi, I'm Tani. I'm the manager. You can't use this to get on myspace.

She was referring to the computer behind the front desk in which the employees were allowed to use during their downtime.

Working Girl: Myspace? Who still uses myspace?
Working Girl: Okay.
Tani Gold: Have you ever worked in a hotel before?
Working Girl: No, just my current job at the office supply store
Tani Gold: Oh you have 2 jobs too? So do I. I'm the manager here and the manager at my retail store job. It's so nice that you have second job. I think it shows everyone that black women really can rise up from being oppressed and make something of themselves.
Working Girl: Yeah, uh, strength.... So what do we do here?
Tani Gold: Our job is very important and we have to make sure that every guest is enjoying their stay and--

From the corner of her eye Tani sees a man coming from the breakfast area where the hotel would hold a daily free breakfast for the guests. His clothes were dirty, he looked unkempt and just all around down on his luck.

Tani (whispering): Because we have free breakfast a lot of homeless people try to come in and eat for free. You have to make sure they don't do that. Um, Sir (no longer whispering) What is your room number?
Guest: Me?
Tani: Yes, you.

The guest then pulls out what looks like a room key from the pocket of his paint stained pants. Looks at it.

Guest: Room 304
Tani: Can I see your key please sir?

The guest hands Tani his key. She verifies the room number using the key machine and hands it back to him.

Tani: Okay, thank you. Enjoy your stay sir.

The guest walks away with a look of confusion

Tani: Well I'm glad he isn't homeless but why does he look like that?

The rest of my training with Tani was basic hotel procedures but within the 5 hours of training I had with Tani I watched her accuse a guest of not being one, take a 35 minute long bathroom break so that she could put a new weave in her head and eat the free breakfast.

Tani and I never had a good work relationship, especially after I found out that she lied to me about being the manager, and later down the line it all came to a head.