Saturday, March 9, 2013

Why Would You Steal That?

I'll say it again, I don't condone stealing, it's pretty stupid but the things that people steal from my jobs are so...not worth it.

Software Bandit

At the office supply store there was a software section. One day this tall man wearing a black hat, black shirt, black jeans and sunglasses came into the store with a backpack. He wasn't really noticed because everyone was busy doing their own thing and about three minutes into his store visit, Mr. Budweiser yelled "Stop that guy!" Apparently he was in the software aisle taking the software off of the shelves and stuffing it into his back pack. When Mr. Budweiser, being an idiot, yelled that out, the guy took off running out the store with Mr. Budweiser chasing behind him only to get winded when he reached the parking lot. Obviously software is expensive and therefore a big ticket item. Because software is expensive, the software worth taking was locked away. The guy ended up stealing Spongebob and Dora the Explorer learning software valued at $10 bucks. Not only was that a waste of time, he would've gone down as one of the dumbest criminals in the store's history.

Inside Job

After I switched to the other office supply store, there was a situation that happened in store. I wasn't working that day but I was told that what happened must've been an inside job. All of the display cameras were stolen. You know when you go to a store with a tech section and all of the display items are connected to a chain/wire so that you can't just pull them and run? It was the same set up. There is no way someone came in from outside to take them because if they were standing by the cameras and trying to cut the wire with scissors or any other mechanism, they would've been caught. It had to have been someone who worked there who had the keys to the chains to take them off. Now I wonder, if you have keys to important merchandise in the store, why would you steal display cameras? The cameras that are never charged, have no memory and are programmed to be display cameras? That is what you steal? Not the cameras that come in boxes with all of the equipment but the display cameras...really?

Comfy Merchandise

Stealing from a hotel is common. People always think they are stealing when they take the soaps and shampoos from the room but in all actuality, that shit is yours to keep. We don't want it after you've touched it. But we would rather deal with the people who take soap and shampoo as opposed to pillows. Each room used to have a small decorative pillow with the hotel's symbol on it and people used to love to steal it. It was a pillow that was too small to be useful to anyone and when the housekeepers would come in to clean the room and see that it was missing THEY WOULD BE CHARGED! We know when something is missing. Did you really think you weren't going to be charged for a pillow that mysteriously vanished? That's not even really stealing, it is purchasing an item. We probably would've charged you less if you just came up to the front desk and asked to buy one.

Changes Need To Be Made

This item that people would steal from the hotel room was always surprising to me because it was just so stupid. This wasn't a one of a kind item that you couldn't get anywhere else, actually it was an item that you could get EVERYWHERE else: Batteries. People would constantly steal the batteries from the TV remotes in the rooms. It got to a point where we had to screw on the back of the remote so that it would stop happening. Batteries? You come to a hotel and steal batteries? That's like "stealing" the room keys. Why? Why would you steal USED batteries? CHEAP, used batteries? TWO cheap, used batteries? Does that make you feel like a stone cold bad ass? It still boggles my mind. BATTERIES!?

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