Thursday, December 27, 2012

Favorite Guests Pt 1

Because I'm in the holiday spirit, happy and what not, I've decided not to bitch on this post. I'm gonna write about some of my favorite guests. My favorite guests consist of the people who genuinely care about the people who are trying to help them. Here they are:

Racine B.

Racine B has been one of my favorite hotel guests since I started working in a hotel over 3 years ago. She would come consistently with a smile on her face and a story to tell. Her being so lovable was always appreciated but the fact that she cared about me, my school and would always bring me a little treat put her well above most of the guests. She recently came in after moving out of state and she still had that same smile and glow. It was really refreshing.

Junk Ladies

The Junk Ladies are by far some of the best people on the planet. Outside of the fact that they are extremely nice, funny and talented they genuinely appreciate my hard work. When I have guests like the Junk Ladies it makes my job so much easier. They visit the hotel monthly for a large antique show in town and it always puts a smile on my face knowing that they are coming to visit. They also have a tendency of bringing friends with them who are just as amazing as they are. 

Another reason why I love them is because of everything they stand for. They take "junk" and create amazing things with it. Everything from coffee tables to necklaces. They are all in all kick ass girls who should be considered role models.

The Williams

Jodi and Steffan Williams are guests who also visited the hotel frequently because of the antique show. Basically they are a happy couple with great kids and great love that they share. They are extraordinary people because that's just who they are. They are some of the nicest people I've ever met. They have unfortunately not visited the hotel in about a year but they will always be some of my very favorite guests.

Michelle Davis

Michelle Davis became one of my favorite guests for one reason and one incident. I worked a lot of nights at the hotel. Due to my strange schedule I would make my best friend drop off food to me. One night he came with 2 other guys, both of them I knew from high school. They were just kind of hanging around for a bit but during that time Michelle Davis came in. She saw them, asked me how I was doing then went to her room. About 3 minutes later I get a phone call from one of the rooms.

Michelle Davis: Hey, I saw those guys in the lobby... are you okay? Do you need me to call the police?

I started laughing hysterically. I told her everything was fine. I appreciated her caring about my safety and well being which made her one of my favorite guests of all time.

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