I mentioned Alaina in an earlier post. I gave a brief description of her that, after I read it again, I realized it was not enough. Here is a more in depth description of Alaina.
As you know, Alaina was a 17 year old girl who obviously cheated on her boyfriend. What you don't know is that Alaina was a man eater. She used boys. For the most part she was a good person but she knew a pretty face and pretty huge jugs would get you everywhere. She craved and demanded attention. She flirted with anything and anyone who gave her said attention. Sometimes it was all in fun and then other times she crushed them.
Alaina closed the store a lot and because she didn't have a car or drivers license, she depended upon others. A lot of us were nice enough to give her a ride without needing any sort of compensation; but because the only compensation she really knew how to give put the attention on her, she was more than willing to offer.
I knew that Alaina wanted attention when I gave her a ride home once. She talked the entire 7 minute ride from the store to her house. She somehow got on the subject of loving David so much.
Alaina: He's so great to me. He really doesn't make me miss my ex-girlfriend at all. YES I SAID GIRL-friend. I've had a LESBIAN relationship that got pretty hot and heavy and even though I loved HER, he makes me happy.
She made it a point to put emphasis on the fact that she, at some point in her life, was all about the VA-J! Now me being straight, I just continued driving and ignoring her. I still find it odd to this day that she mentioned it, still don't know why. I can only assume that she either a.) thought my lack of femininity was code for being a lesbian or b.) that her NOT being strictly dickly was at all of any interest to me...or anyone...ever.
When she didn't get a ride from me, she got a ride from Larry. Larry was a sweetheart, a bit of a geek but a genuinely nice guy. The only strange part about him was that Larry had a thing for young girls. Not in a weird, creepy way but it just seemed to be a pattern that every girl he dated from the time that I met him was either under the age of 18 (he was in his early 20's) or just substantially younger than him.
Larry and Alaina swore up and down that they were "just friends" and Larry, being the nice guy that he is, didn't want to leave her stranded. Larry started going out of his way to do things for Alaina that I never could put together, but because of the J.B. situation, she was much smarter about the way she went about things with Larry.
After being around Alaina, Larry seemed to be doing things that were a bit out of character for him. For example, they took a dance class together. Larry is painfully white. He is the kind of Comic-Con, Anime white that you only see in either large groups or completely isolated. Those two taking a dance class together must've been quite the sight.
Like I said, there was no proof their "parts were fitting together," just assumptions. Everyone thought it therefore everyone believed it.
The only time that I can confidently say that they were either making the beast with two backs or at least giving each other Handy-J's was one night after closing. Alaina and Larry left the store at around 9:30pm, I stayed until 10pm because my then boyfriend didn't get off until that time and I was giving him a ride home. My then boyfriend and I left the store at 10:05pm and walked to my car. We saw Larry's car still in the parking lot and it was running but the windows were foggy.
I found this odd because both Larry and Alaina had gotten off over a half an hour ago, but I guess I was wrong, neither of them had gotten off... yet. I got in my car and started to drive over to Larry's car just to make sure everything was okay, all of a sudden Larry zooms out of the parking lot before I got close enough to scar myself for life.
Just for that I should send that kid a fruit basket.
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