Saturday, December 8, 2012

Crazy Customers: The Finale

The stories I've told about the crazy customers were the ones that I remembered the most accurately. I've had plenty of crazy customers but none as insane as Nini.


Nini was a guest at the hotel who was living there. She started living at the hotel a month before I started working there and stayed for the next 2 years. Now there are just way too many crazy things that Nini did so I'm just going to explain who Nini was and you can guess her crazy level from mildly strange to bat shit crazy.

Nini was a psychologist. She was a chain smoker. She was a germaphobe. Nini originally was staying in 1 of the 2 smoking rooms in the hotel, she NEVER left her room. This is not an exaggeration. She had all of her food delivered, breakfast, lunch and dinner, from a pizza place down the street. She paid the delivery guy extra to stop and buy her cigarettes and beer. She later branched out and started to order from Subway in which she forced them to deliver it to her as well. She was the only person I had ever seen that had 1 five dollar foot long delivered on a daily basis. 

It took all of the housekeeping staff to clean her room because if it was just one of them, they would've died from second hand smoke. After each task, she would force the housekeeping staff to change gloves. They had to change gloves after entering the room, taking out the trash, making the bed, removing the towels, putting in new towels, and the list goes on.

Nini paid for everything in cash, and the very few times she did leave her room, to come down to the lobby to pay, she would demand brand new clean keys and her receipt put in 2 different envelopes. She had large bottles of hand sanitizer delivered to the hotel every week. She would also hang tissue on the door knob of her room, along with using tissues to open the back door when she would go outside to smoke. Her lack of holding the door and letting it slam behind her actually caused all of the glass to break on Christmas morning 2011.

She was babied by the owner and therefore was completely dependent upon the staff. She would constantly scroll through the channels on the TV to see which ones were showing no signal, once she gathered her list she would call down to the front desk with a list of channels that need to be fixed.

Probably the worst thing about Nini was the fact that she considered the hotel her home. She started becoming a little too comfortable and started walking around the hotel in just her underwear. Not only was this highly inappropriate, Nini was in her early 60's, weighed about 250 pounds and reeked of cigarettes.

She started treating other guests like they were there to serve her. Telling them to do things for her because, basically, this was HER house and she liked things a certain way.

Nini finally had to leave when she realized spending about $200 a day for 2 years was draining her account and therefore she stopped paying completely. Now Nini is terrorizing another hotel and, from what I've been told, is still crazy.

Now you tell me where she ranks on your cray-cray meter.

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