Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Homeless Pt. 2

Bushwick once again graced the presence of the hotel staff. I unfortunately wasn't around for this one but I definitely heard all about it.

Apparently one day Bushwick came in and spoke with one of my fellow coworkers, asking her if he could use the phone. She said no. He grew angry.

Bushwick: No? What do you mean no! Gimme the phone stupid white bitch!!!

He went on like that for some time. He frightened my coworker and she threatened to call the police. He decided that was enough and left.

When I was told the story I laughed. I didn't see what the big deal was. We've been called worse by upset guests so a crazy, homeless man with a wandering eye didn't seem too threatening to me. I was also told a version of the story where it looked as if was pulling out a gun and the housekeeping manager ran into the office in fear. It all seemed a little hard to believe when just a week earlier he and I were trading money but then of course I wasn't there.

Bushwick can still be seen around town in his dirty suit and hat. He hasn't come into the hotel lately but he'll forever be memorable.

Is He or Isn't He?

One Saturday evening I was sitting behind the front desk minding my own business and not actually caring about what was happening around me when a woman came up to the front desk whispering.

Woman: Excuse me, I think you have a visitor.
Working Girl: I'm sorry, what?
Woman: You have a homeless person who wandered into the lobby, he's asleep.

I then look to where she was pointing and I see Big Al. Big Al was not a homeless person, he was an unkempt guest. He was a tall older man who was always dirty. I never saw him clean. He's stayed at the hotel hundreds of times but yet I've never seen him cleaned up. Ironically, he fell asleep waiting for his newly washed clothes to come out of the dryer.

I know the woman was trying to be helpful but she 100% assumed that he was homeless. I don't know if that makes her kind of a bitch or just simply a helpful person. Either way, I continued to let Big Al sleep and I explained to her that he, in fact, is a guest to which she replied with "REALLY!?"

Yup, she's a bitch.

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