Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Girls Girls Girls

I've had a lot of encounters with women while at work and though some were semi-interesting, the most ridiculous ones came from girls. There is more of a difference between women and girls than just age. A large factor is how they carry themselves. I've dealt with a lot of women but I've dealt with even more catty girls. Girls display their insecurities more than any other and unfortunately, sometimes, they display it to a harmless Working Girl.

The Slut of Beverly Hills

There is a guest who stays at the hotel three times a year. He normally makes a few reservations, one for his parents, one for other family and one for himself and the groupie he's with. He is a good looking military man who just so happens to be a very nice guy. He is attracted to the opposite of that. His girlfriend has model good looks but the worst personality I've ever seen. She has her nose in the air to be on the same level as her fake tits. Everything about her is "Barbie." She is blonde, thin, tan, and has matching heels for every occasion.

In order for you to get a grasp of who she is as a person, I will explain two scenarios:

1. He and his family were in the lobby dining room playing dominoes. It was around 7pm and they had ordered pizza. It was obviously going to be a relaxing night in with the family. She came downstairs wearing a pink velour sweatsuit and 6 inch black heels. To play dominoes. And eat pizza. At 7pm. In the dining room of a hotel. Let that sink in.

2. He has a son from a previous relationship that accompanied them on one of their trips last year. They went to the hot tub. The young boy had arm floaties, goggles and swim trunks. His dad was wearing swim trunks as well. She was wearing a tank top, designer jeans and 7 inch red heels. She did not remove one item of clothing and therefore she did not touch the water.

Her boyfriend has always been friendly towards me but when I say hello she turns her head and acts as if I wasn't there. Which is fine. I have no interest in speaking to her but it is my job. It is the job of the person at the front desk of a hotel to be as nice as possible, even if the sincerity is lacking. I think she thought that my being nice meant that I wanted her boyfriend. But in all actuality, I'm really okay.

Hit It and Quit It Girlfriend

We get a lot of people in the military at the hotel. Especially men. This one specific story stems from a large group of men who were stationed here for a month, they were all ranging in age and they all had a roommate. One room had an older gentleman and a younger guy no older than 24. Apparently on the first night they got here, they all checked out the bar scene. The older guy went back to the hotel early but the younger guy continued hanging out at the bar because he met a girl.

This girl looked really young. She was obviously old enough to get into a club/bar but she also had braces. Depending on where they went, she could have been between the ages of 18-21. My guess would've been 13 due to the way she acted but I'm not here to judge.

Just like any other stupid high school girl, she fell in love instantly. Starting that night, he was her boyfriend. She was always at the hotel, so much so that his roommate would complain to me about losing sleep or not wanting to be in the room because they were having sex constantly.

I had two juicy run ins with this girl that I will never forget. The first was when he came downstairs and waited in the lobby for her to pick him up. He started talking to me about sports. Specifically we talked about basketball, a sport that I have extensive knowledge on. We got so caught up talking about LeBron, Blake and Kobe that he didn't realize what time it was. She came in very upset.

Jailbait: What are you doing?
Sea Man: I was just talking to Working Girl about basketball. Why?
Jailbait: I've been waiting in my car for five minutes!!
Sea Man: Oh, sorry.
Jailbait: SORRY!? Why are you even talking to HER!? I didn't even know you liked basketball.

She glanced at me and I laughed.

Sea Man: I'll talk to you later Working Girl.
Working Girl: See Ya.
Jailbait: UGH!

Do you think she was just a tad bit peeved?

The second encounter was my favorite. Due to the previous run in, she chose not to acknowledge me when she came to see him. She never really had to because he gave her a key to the room. One day she came right in, walked past me and went up to the room. No more than 2 minutes later, she came down and actually spoke to me.

Jailbait: My key won't work.
Working Girl: Okay, which room?
Jailbait: *sigh* Room 315.
Working Girl: Okay, let me check.

I go to the computer and do some investigating only to find that he and his roommate checked out that morning.

Working Girl: I don't have anyone in that room.
Jailbait: What!!?!?!? My boyfriend is staying here! Craig!
Working Girl: It looks like Craig checked out this morning.
Jailbait: There has to be some mistake. Why wouldn't he tell me that? Did he move?
Working Girl: Well he checked out soooo no. He's just gone. Have a nice day though.

Then she left in a big huff. She came back the next day to see if he left anything for her but sadly she was let down.

Later that evening, his ship mates, who were still staying, were sitting in the lobby talking about Craig, Jailbait and their strange relationship. They laughed about it and they laughed at her expense. At some point we all were laughing. I guess that's what she gets for being one of those girls.

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