Thursday, February 7, 2013

Tani Gold: Why Are You Such a Bitch? Pt 1

It may seem like I rant about Tani Gold and that I don't like her but that's because I rant about her and I don't like her. She was a bitch. She was a bitch to me, co-workers, and sometimes guests. There are so many stories that I have as to why I can't stand her so instead of giving each one their own individual post I've decided to go into "The Bitch Series."

Condescending Bitch

Tani would talk down to people. She made it a point to pretend as if she was better than everyone else. She tried to do it with the front desk staff but she was just ignored. She knew she could wield her power over the housekeeping staff. The housekeeping staff is similar to many in America. The majority of them are Latino and they have a difficult time speaking/understanding English. None of us, with the exception of Tani, would fault them for that. We tried to learn as much Spanish as we could so the we could all communicate better. Tani had a different approach: yelling. She would scream things in English thinking that the louder she said, the better they understood. She was constantly barking at them. She once told the Housekeeping Manager to shut up while she was on the phone. What was she smoking?

She did this to guests as well. We once had a large band staying at the hotel and they needed cones to set up around their tour bus. The bus driver asked Tani if we had any cones.

Tani: I'm really not of the time if you need cones you need to um bring YOUR OWN cones. That's not really "our responsibility."
Guy #1: Well if you could try, I would appreciate it.

After Tani walked away to find cones, the guys started to mock her.

Guy #1: Well ummmm....
Guy#2: It's not um our um responsibility um...
Guy #3: MOST of the um time um I um am um a bitch um...

No One is Better at "Hotelling" than this Bitch

Tani's favorite activity was telling the front desk how to do their job. She made it a constant thing. She was always writing passive-aggressive and aggressive-aggressive notes to the staff telling us how we aren't ever doing anything right. She once used an entire page to tell me that I didn't check the fax machine, didn't set up the rewards bags and didn't assign rooms during my morning shift. She wrote that because she didn't like me and she wanted to make everyone aware that I was "not good at my job." I laughed it off because that day I was faxing for the manager and the morning shift doesn't ever assign rooms. She was making a big deal over nothing but the fact that she tried to embarrass me, only made her life worse.

After that incident the manager pulled her into the office to tell her that it is not her job to tell anyone how to do theirs. Tani immediately got upset and told the manager that "if everyone just did their job correctly, I wouldn't have to tell them how to." Tani started crying and ran out to her car. Anyone who was really that great at their job could probably take the criticism and move on. But that was Tani Gold. Hopefully we'll understand her a little better in part two.

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