I've already described to you briefly who Tani Gold was. This will tell you a little more about her.
Tani Gold was one of those girls who tried to turn shit into gold. Sometimes, it is just a nugget of shit. Her boyfriend? Nugget of shit. Her relationship with her family? Nugget of shit. Her hair? Nugget of shit with a weave. Her Spongebob Squarepants body? Nugget of shit. Her optimism would have been cute if it wasn't for the fact that it was coming from her busted face. She just was not a good person and because of it, her life was in shambles.
Her boyfriend broke up with her, her relationship with her family continued to get worse, her hair--let's not even discuss her hair. At some point she started coming to work with a rag on her head like Aunt Jamima. I'm quite disappointed that she never offered me any pancakes. Bitch.
Due to her being such an awful person in real life, she looked to gain friends in a virtual life. Her real friends barely liked her, they actually threw her in a dumpster after a night of boozing it up and the entire staff hated her. The only way she could get someone to consider her anything more than a beast would have to be through an online channel. Where they couldn't see her.
Sometimes Tani would work the Night Audit shift. The Night Audit shift is boring, no guests, no real entertainment, just trying to keep yourself awake during the wee hours of the night. During Night Audit, Tani would frequent a chat website which was a virtual bar. You could buy people a drink, send it to them and then start up a conversation. I had never heard of the website before but Tani being on it, so she can get as virtually plastered as she does in real life, totally makes sense.
One night Tani was involved in a conversation with a guy. I can only assume it started off the way every online chat does:
Wanna see my dick?
Apparently this guy asked one more question: Race? Tani told him she was African-American and like any other online perv, he took that as an invitation to tell her all of his freaky black girl fantasies.
CyberPerv: Oh you're black!? Awesome. Ya know, I've never banged a black chick before. I've always wanted to.
Now this is where I thought Tani would've flirted back about how she would take him to pancake town but this conversation took a turn for the worst.
Tani: Um I am AFRICAN-AMERICAN! I think it is totally disrespectful of you to call me black. You act like you've never seen an African-American before. Our president is African-American. Don't be so close minded.
She basically UNLEASHED on him over the term 'black.' I understand that people like to be called what they feel is best fitting to them but the poor guy was just trying to get some cyber sex going on. After a hundred times saying "sorry" she still continued berating him as if he told her he was wearing a Confederate Flag T-shirt and drinking beer out of a big-lipped Mammy mug. That was the end of their conversation but I don't know if that was the end of Tani's time on the website.
Like I said, Night Audit was a boring shift and it was a shift that Tani worked alone so how would I know that all of this happened? Because Tani took a screenshot of the entire conversation with that guy and saved it to the hotel's computer. WE ALL READ IT. We all were in shock that she was on the website at work in first place and the fact she felt the need to save it. Why would she save it? Did she take pride in setting that boy straight virtually? Was she happy with herself for not playing 'black beauty' in a slave/owner sex game? What was so significant about this conversation that she felt it needed to be saved on the work computer?
We later found out the conversation was not all she saved. She also saved pictures of herself in a bikini-- I'm sorry, I had to choke back my vomit. She also saved the pictures guys sent to her on the work computer. After pissing off one of my coworkers, my coworker took one of Tani's saved photos and made it the desktop background on the hotel's computer.
The owner advised her to not save anything else because we all hated her.
But that still wasn't the last of Tani Gold.
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